Monday, January 30, 2017

Well, it's the second day of my new blog. Here's hoping that all is going well for you!

Below is a pic of one of my favorite VIDA tops:

This particular piece is called Soft Stripes Essential Top. If you go to my VIDA page here
you will find quite a number of these tops using my designs.
Although they may seem pricey, VIDA usually offers a discount to new customers, and they usually have another discount event going for return customers.

I have several of these tops, and they are super-comfortable. Anyone of any size or shape can feel good in these tops, which look good over skinny jeans, leggings, or other pants. And the fabric doesn't hold in body odor so they don't have to be laundered that often. When they do need to be washed, either wash on a short, gentle cycle or hand wash---and always hang to dry. 

If you do order one of these Essential Tops, please let me know how you feel about it by commenting, OK?

Another thing: I like my tops roomy, so I thought I had to order them in an extra large; but now I know to order a medium and the top is roomy enough. So that leaves two extra sizes for larger women!


Right now, I'm not doing any other creating except for VIDA, but I plan on doing a canvas soon with a more realistic theme ... rather than my usual abstract paintings. Below is a painting that I did of my daughter's (Erica is her name) sweet dog, Gigi, and one of my typical abstracts:


I hope you like both paintings!
I guess it's time to say bye-bye for now. I will come back again soon.

Take care, everyone. xoxo

Sunday, January 29, 2017


Hello there!

I used to have a blog on blogspot, but that was a long time ago. Since then, I have changed the way I do art.
I am also a VIDA & Co. Gold Designer, so I want to show you pieces from my collection.
However, I will talk about my art in general, as well as my VIDA designs.

I have been an artist for about 10 years, but I always had my hand in creative endeavors. In fact, I will give you the URLs of the two previous blogs that I published so you can see what's on them:

And here's one for my freelance writing, just so you know more about me. I mostly work for a single client, which is a major publisher.

Also, here's my VIDA website: 

I will get back to you soon with my next blog so we can share some interesting and lovely things.

Best to you all ... keep the faith, no matter what!
